University of Heidelberg



Dr. Frederik Graw           

(Group leader)

Benjamin Raach

(Research Fellow)

Marika Haase

(Research Assistant)

Leonie Küchenhoff


Pascal Lukas


Bengi Civitoglu


Pablo Naranjo

(MSc student)


Former Members

Verena Körber

(MSc student, PhD student/PostDoc with Thomas Höfer, DKFZ)

Dr. Paola Carrillo-Bustamante      

(PostDoc, now PostDoc at MPI for Infection Biology, Berlin)

Jana Fehr

(MSc student, now PhD student at the MDC Berlin)

Sophia Eijkman

(MSc student, now exploring the world)

Michael Gabel

(PhD student, Biometrician at IMBI University Hospital Heidelberg, now Data Scientist)

Neha Thakre

(PhD student, now working as Pharmacometrician)

Peter Kumberger

(PhD student, now working as Data Scientist)

Samuel Wilks

(PhD student/PostDoc, now PostDoc with Derek Smith, Cambridge Univ., UK)

Christopher Wahl

(MSc student, now working as Data Scientist)

Lea Zimmermann

(MSc student, now working as a Software Engineer)

Christoph Harmel

(MSc student, now PhD student at the IOP Basel)

Julia Münch

(MSc student, now PhD student HiDSS4Health, DKFZ/KIT)

Antonia Netzl

(MSc student, now PhD student with Derek Smith, Cambridge Univ., UK)

Carmen Streibel

(BSc student, now MD at Unispital Bern)

Benjamin Frey

(BSc student, now continuing MSc studies in Mol. Biotechnology)

Nils Bundgaard

(MSc student & Research fellow, now working as Pharmacometrician)

Contact: E-Mail (Last update: 01/02/2022)