University of Heidelberg

07/31/2024 Open Position

The BMCV group currently offers a PhD position in biomedical image analysis.

More details can be...

03/01/2023 Publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2023

Our article "Superadditivity and Convex Optimization for Globally Optimal Cell Segmentation Using...

01/27/2018 Cell Tracking Challenge, Nature Methods 2017

The cell tracking method of the BMCV group yielded top-ranking results in an international...

07/13/2015 ISBI 2016

Karl Rohr is program chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) which...

11/10/2014 Project QuantVessel at Deutsche Bundestag (German Parliament)

The research project QuantVessel of the BMCV group is presented at an exhibition of the German...

Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 14




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Sommersemester 2024

Master Practical (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum) "Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis"


  Biomedical Image Analysis, Machine Learning


  6 SWS, 8 ECTS


  Tuesday, 15:00-18:00, weekly (or by arrangement)


  16.4. – 23.7.2024 (or by arrangement)


  INF 267 (BioQuant), SR44 or online


  PD Dr. Karl Rohr


  English or German



Students work on selected advanced topics in biomedical image analysis. The focus is on deep learning methods for automated analysis of biological microscopy images and medical images. Examples for topics are segmentation and tracking of cells in microscopy images, segmentation of organs or blood vessels, and registration of multimodal images of the human brain. The tasks comprise: Study relevant literature, learn theoretical foundations, design and implementation of image analysis methods and algorithms, test and evaluation of implemented methods, specification and development of software, presentation of results.


Requirements: Basic knowledge in Image Analysis (Computer Vision) or Machine Learning (Pattern Recognition)

Target group: MSc Data and Computer Science (8 ECTS) and related, MSc Molecular Biotechnology (8 or 4 ECTS)

First date: Tuesday, 16.4.2024, 15:00 (s.t.), SR44 (or by arrangement)   

Type of course: Master Practical (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum) (IFP)

Module handbook info: Modulhandbuch

Contact: PD Dr. Karl Rohr (k.rohr{at}, k.rohr{at}


Contact: E-Mail (Last update: 23/04/2024)