University of Heidelberg

07/31/2024 Open Position

The BMCV group currently offers a PhD position in biomedical image analysis.

More details can be...

03/01/2023 Publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2023

Our article "Superadditivity and Convex Optimization for Globally Optimal Cell Segmentation Using...

01/27/2018 Cell Tracking Challenge, Nature Methods 2017

The cell tracking method of the BMCV group yielded top-ranking results in an international...

07/13/2015 ISBI 2016

Karl Rohr is program chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) which...

11/10/2014 Project QuantVessel at Deutsche Bundestag (German Parliament)

The research project QuantVessel of the BMCV group is presented at an exhibition of the German...

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Curriculum Vitae

Karl Rohr studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT) and received his Ph.D. degree (1994) as well as his Habilitation degree (1999) in Computer Science from the University of Hamburg, Germany. Since 2004 he is Head of the Biomedical Computer Vision Group (BMCV) and Associate Professor at Heidelberg University. From 2007-2010 he was Guest Professor at the International University in Germany. He was a member of the Excellence Cluster CellNetworks at Heidelberg University from 2007-2019.

From 2000-2004 he was Associate Professor of Computer Science within the School of Information Technology at the International University in Germany, and Head of the Computer Vision & Graphics Group. From 1992-2000 he was Research Associate at the Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, in the Cognitive Systems Group, where he was project leader of the IMAGINE project during 1994-2000 (funded by Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg). Previous to that, he was a Research Associate at the Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe (KIT). In summer 1999 he spent a research stay at the Surgical Planning Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, in Boston/MA, USA.

His research interests are in biological image analysis and medical image analysis with focus on cell segmentation and tracking, particle detection and tracking, non-rigid image registration, vessel segmentation, and landmark localization. He has written a book on Landmark-Based Image Analysis (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001) covering landmark localization and non-rigid registration, and he has published more than 350 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Dr. Rohr was Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2007–2012) and served the editorial board of the journal Pattern Recognition (2000–2006). He has also been a program and review committee member of a number of international conferences and workshops (e.g., IPMI, MICCAI, ISBI, WBIR, MIAAB, BVM, DAGM GCPR, CVPR, EMMCVPR, ECCV, ICCV). He was co-organizer of the International Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology (MIAAB) 2008 (New York, USA), 2009 (Bethesda, USA), and 2011 (Heidelberg, Germany), and was program chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2016. For his research work he was awarded several prizes. 

Publications: Google Scholar  

Contact: E-Mail (Last update: 18/03/2024)