Open Positions
The BMCV group offers positions to students with a background in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Medical Informatics, Bioinformatics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, or a related discipline.
PhD Position in Biomedical Image Analysis
Currently, the BMCV group offers a PhD position in Biomedical Image Analysis. We are seeking a PhD student for developing methods for computer-based analysis of microscopy Images using deep learning. The work is carried out in collaboration with biomedcial partners. More information can be found here.
Bachelor, Master, and Diploma Theses
The BMCV group offers interested Bachelor, Master, or Diploma students an opportunity to carry out their theses in an interdisciplinary field between biomedical and computational sciences. Currently, we offer different thesis topics. More information can be found here.
Student and Research Assistant Positions (HiWi-Positions)
The BMCV group offers positions for student and research assistants. The duration and workload can be adjusted. Payments are made according to standard HiWi salary.
Internships (Praktikum)
Furthermore, the BMCV group offers interested students an opportunity to carry out course-related or extracurricular internships. The duration is typically 3 to 6 months.
For further information please contact Karl Rohr.