- Methoden der Bioinformatik (BSc)
- Bioinformatik I (Aktuelle Aspekte der Bioinformatik) (BSc)
- Bioinformatik II (BSc)
- Project Seminar Biomedical Image Analysis (MSc)
- Seminar Biomedical Image Analysis: Deep Learning (MSc)
- Seminar Biomedical Image Analysis: Deep Learning (Block seminar) (MSc)
- Seminar Computermethoden: Genomanalyse und Netzwerke (BSc)
- Seminar Computermethoden: Bildverarbeitung und Datenbanken (BSc)
- Seminar Current Topics in Bioinformatics and Computational Cell Biology (MSc)
- Praktikum Bioinformatik (BSc, MSc)
- Master Practical (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum) Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis (MSc)
- Computational Systems Biology (MSc, Major Systems Biology)
- Theoretical Systems Biology 1 (MSc, Major Systems Biology)
- Introduction to Computer Vision (BSc)
- Computer Vision (MICT, MSc)
- Medical Image Analysis (MICT, MSc)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics (BSc)
- Computer Graphics (MICT, MSc)
- Human-Computer Interaction (BSc)
- Interactive Systems (BBA)
- Principles of Software Engineering (MBA)
Contact: E-Mail (Last update: 16/04/2024)