University of Heidelberg

07/31/2024 Open Position

The BMCV group currently offers a PhD position in biomedical image analysis.

More details can be...

03/01/2023 Publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2023

Our article "Superadditivity and Convex Optimization for Globally Optimal Cell Segmentation Using...

01/27/2018 Cell Tracking Challenge, Nature Methods 2017

The cell tracking method of the BMCV group yielded top-ranking results in an international...

07/13/2015 ISBI 2016

Karl Rohr is program chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) which...

11/10/2014 Project QuantVessel at Deutsche Bundestag (German Parliament)

The research project QuantVessel of the BMCV group is presented at an exhibition of the German...

Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 14




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Sommersemester 2024

Seminar "Biomedical Image Analysis: Deep Learning" (Block seminar)


  Biomedical Image Analysis, Machine Learning


  2 SWS, 4 ECTS


  Block seminar (Blockveranstaltung), Dates in agreement with the participants


  May/June/July 2024


  INF 267 (BioQuant), SR44


  PD Dr. Karl Rohr





The participants select a scientific article on an advanced topic in biomedical image analysis, give an oral presentation, and write a report. The articles describe cutting-edge research and were published in international journals. The topics comprise computer-based methods for automated analysis of biological microscopy images and medical images using deep learning (e.g., convolutional and recurrent neural networks). Examples for applications are the segmentation of cells, classification of histological images, tracking of cells, segmentation of organs, and registration of multimodal images. Registration for the course and assignment of topics will be discussed on the first date.


Course conduction and registration:

The course will be performed onsite. Interested students register before the first date in Moodle (Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften / Pharmazie und Molekulare Biotechnologie / Master: Seminar Biomedizinische Bildanalyse: Deep Learning 2024). The key (Schlüssel) for registration in Moodle is 20240311. Information on the meetings will be announced under "Ankündigungen“ in Moodle.


Requirements: Basic knowledge in Image Analysis (Computer Vision) or Machine Learning (Pattern Recognition)

Target group: MSc Data and Computer Science and related, MSc Molecular Biotechnology

First date: Tuesday, 16.4.2024, 13:00 (s.t.), SR44   

Type of course: Seminar (IS)

Module handbook info: Modulhandbuch

Contact: PD Dr. Karl Rohr (k.rohr {at}, k.rohr {at}




Contact: E-Mail (Last update: 23/04/2024)