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Associated Groups

Group Image Klingmueller H
Systems Biology of Signal Transduction
Prof. Dr. Ursula Klingmüller

Dynamic pathway models reveal key regulatory mechanisms in cancer progression.

Group Image Jaeger H
Retroviral and Influenza Virus (IAV) Biology
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kräusslich

We study the formation and architechture of subviral complexes and their interaction with cellular structures.

Group Image Mallmm H
Single-Cell Open Lab
Dr. Jan-Philipp Mallm

We provide specialized support for diverse single-cell sequencing methods, including spatial omics, tailored specifically for cancer research.

Group Image Marciniak-Czochra H
Applied Analysis and Modelling in Biosciences
Prof. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra

We use mathematical models to analyze the dynamic structure formation and self-organization in cell systems-

Group Image Saez-Rodriguez H
Systems Biomedicine
Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez

We study the signaling network deregulation in various diseases by integrating multi-omics data into mathematical models.

ERC IndiGene

Group Image Wittbrodt H
Developmental Biology/Physiology
Prof. Dr. Jochen Wittbrodt

We study neuronal cell proliferation and differentiation in the developing, growing, and regenerating eye and brain of fish.

ERC Decode

Group Image Boutros H
Signaling and Functional Genomics
Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros

We study cellular signaling networks using genetic and genomic approaches with a focus on Wnt signaling pathways

Group Image Huber H
Quantitative Biology and Statistics
Dr. Wolfgang Huber

We develop and apply statistical methods for biotechnologies and then relate them into resuable tools.

Group Image Lohmann H
Stem Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. Jan Lohmann

We study the development for complex stem cells in plants using genetic, genomic, and molecular approaches.

Group Image Stegle H
Statistical Genomics and Systems Genetics
Dr. Oliver Stegle

We develop statistical and machine learning methods to decipher molecular variation across individuals, space, and time.

Groups with Projects at BioQuant

Eils Group
Health Data Science Unit
Prof. Dr. Roland Eils

We provide medical informatics solutions to make patient data accessible for clinical research and education.

Group Image Jaeger H
Tumor Immunology
Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger

We specialize in investigating tumor-immune interactions, creating immunotherapies and predictive biomarkers.

Group Image Chlanda H
Systems Medicine
Dr. Dr. Stefan Kallenberger

We specialize in integrating mathematical modeling, biological experiments, and clinical data to understand cell signaling systems, with a particular focus on cancer.

BioQuant Groups

Group Image Anders H
Biostatistics for Omics Data
Prof. Dr. Simon Anders

We extract insights from high-throughput assay data, analyzing sequencing data, creating dataset visualizations, and applying omics data for functional genomics and systems medicine.

Group Image Bischofs H
Complex Adaptive Traits (CATs) in beneficial Bacilli
Dr. Ilka Bischofs

The µCATs Lab studies beneficial, spore-forming and industrially relevant Bacilli.

Group Image Chlanda H
Membrane Biology of Viral Infection
Dr. Petr Chlanda

We are interested in studying how viruses interact with cellular organelles and how they remodeled cells to replicate.

Group Image Erfle H
High-Content Analysis of the Cell (HiCell)
Dr. Holger Erfle

We specialize in devising, refining, and implementing state-of-the-art technologies for comprehensive screening and analysis.

Group Image Grabe H
Tissue Imaging & Analysis Center (TIGA)
Prof. Dr. Niels Grabe

We specialize in deep learning-based image analysis of digitized histological and cytological slides, focusing on automatic segmentation, quality assurance, and assisted diagnostics.

Group Image Grimm H
Virus-Host Interactions
Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm

We specialize in advancing human gene therapy through innovative gene delivery methods using parvoviruses like AAV and bocavirus.

Group Image Herrmann H
Biomedical Genomics
Prof. Dr. Carl Herrmann

We study transcriptional control for precise gene expression in cell types and development, using statistical and machine-learning methods to integrate multi-omics data from bulk and single-cell da

Kummer Group
Modeling of Biological Processes
Prof. Dr. Ursula Kummer

We specialize in developing computational methods for analyzing biochemical networks and applying these methods to relevant biological systems.

Molnar-Gabor Group
Governance of Emerging Technologies in Medical Research and Health Care
Prof. Dr. Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor

We specialize in shaping legal frameworks for emerging medical technologies and treatment methods, aligning with global standards and emphasizing data protection, medical, and health laws.

Group Image Pahle H
Biological Information Processing
Dr. Jürgen Pahle

We specialize in deciphering how living systems process and transfer information.

Group Image Rippe H
Chromatin Networks
Prof. Dr. Karsten Rippe

We combine molecular/cell biology and physics to develop quantitative descriptions that relate the dynamic organization of the epigenome with gene expression programs and functional cell states.

Group Image Rohr H
Biomedical Computer Vision (BMCV)
Prof. Dr. Karl Rohr

We develop advanced image analysis methods for computer-based quantification of biomedical images, focusing on deep learning methods for cell microscopy image data.

Group Image Russell H
Protein Evolution
Prof. Dr. Rob Russell

We specialize in protein structure and mechanistic data analysis, with a particular focus on genetic variants related to cancer and hereditary diseases.

Group Image Sahle H
Methods in Computational Systems Biology
Dr. Sven Sahle

We specialize in methodological research for mathematical modeling in biology, creating and assessing numerical methods.

Group Image Schroeder H
Cryo Electron Microscopy
Prof. Dr. Rasmus Schröder

We specialize in advancing Cryo Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM), a revolutionary technique now established as a routine application on campus with a network of four dedicated microscopes.

Group Image Schwarz H
Physics of Complex Biosystems
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwarz

We specialize in using theoretical physics to understand cell mechanics and adhesion at a system level.

Group Image Starkuviene H
Molecular Mechanisms of Intracellular Trafficking
Dr. Vytautė Starkuvienė

We aim to uncover how the precise spratial and temporal regulation of intracellular trafficking is achieved.