We specialize in integrating mathematical modeling, biological experiments, and clinical data to understand cell signaling systems, with a particular focus on cancer.
We extract insights from high-throughput assay data, analyzing sequencing data, creating dataset visualizations, and applying omics data for functional genomics and systems medicine.
We specialize in deep learning-based image analysis of digitized histological and cytological slides, focusing on automatic segmentation, quality assurance, and assisted diagnostics.
We study transcriptional control for precise gene expression in cell types and development, using statistical and machine-learning methods to integrate multi-omics data from bulk and single-cell da
We specialize in shaping legal frameworks for emerging medical technologies and treatment methods, aligning with global standards and emphasizing data protection, medical, and health laws.
We combine molecular/cell biology and physics to develop quantitative descriptions that relate the dynamic organization of the epigenome with gene expression programs and functional cell states.
We develop advanced image analysis methods for computer-based quantification of biomedical images, focusing on deep learning methods for cell microscopy image data.
We specialize in protein structure and mechanistic data analysis, with a particular focus on genetic variants related to cancer and hereditary diseases.
We specialize in advancing Cryo Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM), a revolutionary technique now established as a routine application on campus with a network of four dedicated microscopes.