DeepLife Hackathon - Heidelberg 14.-16.06.2024

In collaboration with five European universities, Bioinformatics from BioQuant and IPMB at Heidelberg University, are organizing the "Deep Learning Applications in Life Sciences" (DeepLife) course, a Europe-wide initiative aimed at enhancing deep learning skills and applications in genomics, structural protein bioinformatics, and image analysis. This 4EU+ alliance-funded collaboration features weekly online lectures from February 2024, culminating in an on-site Hackathon from June 14th to June 16th at BioQuant and IPMB. The event will bring together over 50 students from Charles University Prague, University of Warsaw, Sorbonne University in Paris, University of Milan, and Heidelberg University to work collaboratively on hands-on projects.
In early May, the organizers published a list of projects online. Teams of approximately four students from each university selected projects to work on, with multiple teams from different universities tackling the same projects in parallel. During the Hackathon, teams working on the same projects will collaborate to discuss and compare their results, test their models on new data, and prepare a poster summarizing their findings. This poster, composed of eight A4 sheets, will be presented during a poster session on Sunday morning. The Hackathon will feature a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Rebecca Wade from HITS Heidelberg on Friday evening. The event will take place on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld, specifically in the BioQuant (Im Neuenheimer Feld 267) and IPMB (Im Neuenheimer Feld 364) buildings.
For more information and details, visit the DeepLife course website: DeepLife.